Castel's Climb
Travertine and plexiglass, 2017
Written by Antonella Gerbi
The work, of 2017, looks like a slightly twisted travertine box, stretched in the spiral movement in which is inserted a fragment of plexiglass. This is the center of everything, the point where the latent energy manifests itself and is released. When the two elements meet, a new form arises - as if it were an elusive thought made solid. The work is part of the research that I've been carrying out for the last two years and that moves around the representation of oneself. There is no center or a single reading in my research, in this sort of self-representation. We are solid and we are light together. There is not a single saying and a single form. Instead, there is a constellation of profiles and identities, of pulsating hearts in it that give voice to a choir. There is the study of partial anatomies of that human body disintegrated in several and several separate parts that so much seems to correspond to the precarious human conditions. And there is this last element of my research, the plexiglass, which give me the opportunity to express the light that is in us, through real, ancient, primordial forms. A human anatomy transfigured into a few elements or parts that then stretches and divides in the space between stone and plastic.The forms that seem and want to emerge from the nothingness of existence, visible only under the microscope, are solitary emancipations of matter without monumental stories to tell but nevertheless bearing memory. Here are our momentary lives. Here are our microscopic doubts exaggerated to the right point to make them visible, almost obvious... lonely and solidly imprisoned who want to be free.